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Jim Tananbaum - AI and the Language of Biology S4E1

Jim Tananbaum - AI and the Language of Biology

· 46:59


Today’s guest is Jim Tananbaum of Foresite Capital.  One of the most exciting places AI is revolutionizing is drug discovery, so I was very excited to have Jim on today.

Jim Tananbaum is the founder and chief executive officer of Foresite Capital, a U.S.-focused healthcare investment firm founded in 2011 that has approximately $3.5 billion in assets under management.  During the last three decades, Jim has been a thought partner for some of the most impactful and fastest-growth companies of their generation, including: 10x Genomics, Amerigroup, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals.    Jim’s first success came while he was still at Harvard Business School when he co-founded GelTex Pharmaceuticals, which brought two drugs to market and was acquired in 1999 for $1.4 billion.  Jim was the founding chief executive of Theravance, Inc., a co-founder of Prospect Ventures, and a partner of Sierra Ventures.  Jim studied engineering at Yale and earned an MD from Harvard Medical School, an MBA from Harvard Business School, and graduated from the Harvard MIT HST program.

We discuss what it takes to start a drug company, breakthroughs in obesity, AI, and the challenge of data in drug discovery, understanding the language of biology, advances in pain and cancer research, and his thoughts on brain implants.

Please enjoy my conversation with Jim Tananbaum.


Foresite Capital:  https://www.foresitecapital.com

Jim’s Homepage:  https://jimtananbaum.com


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Joe Reilly is a family office consultant, and the host of the Private Capital Podcast as well as the Inheritance Podcast. 

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INHERITANCE PODCAST:   https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-inheritance-podcast/id1644964


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©2025 Joe Reilly


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