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Michael Weisz - Yieldstreet S3E13

Michael Weisz - Yieldstreet

· 51:22


Michael Weisz has a real knack for finding unconventional opportunities and a strong entrepreneurial spirit.  He cut his teeth in real estate, but quickly found his nuanced understanding of mis-priced risk prepared him for creative investments like litigation and receivable finance and strategies like loans to professional athletes during lockouts.  We talk about the development of the Yieldstreet platform, how they think about the wide variety of offerings they have from fine art to CLO’s, the democratization of finance, and the international scaling of the firm.


Michael is the Founder and CEO of Yieldstreet, the leading private market investing platform, with more than 500k members and $5.7 billion invested.

An award-winning entrepreneur, he co-founded Yieldstreet in 2015 with an ambition of providing individual investors access to curated private market assets typically reserved for institutions. As CEO, Michael leads Yieldstreet’s strategic vision to make alternatives a fundamental piece of investor portfolios.

Before Yieldstreet, Michael held a variety of positions across the specialty finance spectrum, including founding Soli Capital. Previously, Michael was Vice President at a New York-based credit opportunities hedge fund with $1.2B under management.

WEBSITE:  https://www.yieldstreet.com/

NOTE:  This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only.  Anything said by the guests or host should not be construed as legal or investment advice.  Thanks for listening.

Joe Reilly is the CEO of Circulus Group an educational forum for family offices, and the host of the Inheritance Podcast. 

FOLLOW JOE: https://twitter.com/joereillyjr

WEBSITE: circulus.substack.com

INHERITANCE PODCAST:   https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-inheritance-podcast/id1644964


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©2024 Joe Reilly


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